Your Next Adventure
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Duke of Edinburgh
Adventurous Journeys:
Our expert Guides help to mentor youth in the art of back-country travel as they embark upon an unforgettable Adventure they themselves have a hand in leading! Bronze, Silver and Gold level adventures are available.
Have Us Customize Your
Next Great Retreat!
Life-changing programs and adventures
in beautiful, inspiring places.
Un-plug, Restore, Renew, Re-imagine and Reconnect.
Our facilitated Retreat experiences are world-class!

Hacking Your Innovation Mindset
is part of our Professional Workshop Series
aimed at helping people develop their
“Innovation Super Powers”.

Canoe Tripping Certifications
Nationally Recognized Expedition-Based Trainings

Guide Star
Training Program
We offer a wide range of dynamic training programs and certification experiences.
Our premiere course is our Guide Star Training Program which allows you to secure 4 certifications in just 8 days!
The Art of Team Building
Training Program
Learn the Secrets of Forging High Performance Teams.
Professional Workshop:
Standing Strong
Strategies for Seeking Balance and Avoiding Burn-out
Back-Country Navigation & G.P.S.Certifications
Head into the Wilderness with True confidence

Tragedy Sparks Call for Action
I was very sad to hear the news today that a Toronto student drowned while on a canoe trip in Algonquin Park being led by the Teachers at his school. It was reported that the student was swimming with his peers from the shores of their campsite at the time of his disappearance with 3 Life Guards present. This is…