Teacher Training & Certifications
Re-defining the words “Professional Development”
Leaders of the Day is partnered with a host of school boards in locations throughout Ontario, assisting Teachers to secure some of the O.P.H.E.A. mandated certifications they require to safely take their own students out on excursions and expeditions. Perhaps you are trying to make a bridge between the classroom and the outdoors and need to more formally solidify your skills; or perhaps you have been leading experiences recreationally for a long time and simply need to have your skills professionally reviewed for certification and receive a little extra mentorship.
Whatever your story, at Leaders of the Day, we take into account the skills base of each participant so we can fine tune a training experience that is perfect for all. We do not simply train to the O.P.H.E.A. benchmarks but raise the bar of content even higher to equip you better and to give you more than any other other provider. This is our commitment to excellence in our programming for Educators. Your time and money is at a premium. Come spend it with us! You’ll be happy that you did. You’ll walk away with your certification in hand and also feel like you’ve been on an adventurous holiday!
Camping Leadership + Introduction to Lake Skills
2 Great Certifications in Just 6 Days
The Camping Leadership Certification focuses on advanced expeditionary leadership strategies, group management, expedition behaviour and camp-craft skills in a wilderness setting. This course is ideal for those who are in a position of leadership on camping excursions or expeditions. This is a Guide Level certification program certified through Paddle Canada.
Paddle Canada recently partitioned Wilderness Camping skills from it’s paddling programs so that it could be a stand alone course or be paired with any one of their paddling disciplines (canoeing, kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding). Note: The two certifications in this program are the equivalent to the O.R.C.K.A. level 3 Canoe Tripping cert.
At Leaders of the Day we choose to bundle the Camping program Leadership program with the Introduction to Lake Skills certification as part of an expedition-based training experience which unfolds over 6 days in beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park in August each year. In addition we also include Paddle Canada’s Expedition Camping Module.
Our Instructors take into account each participant’s previous back-country experience and then begin building and refining the group’s collective skills from there.
On your Training Adventure, we will dive into elements such as: flat-water rescue principles, back country navigation, traditional fire-lighting, tarps and shelter building, essential expedition knots, back-country cooking and baking, satellite phone use, environmental ethics, advanced route, menu and risk management planning and much much more!
You will come away from this course feeling really confident, with some amazing new tricks in your repertoire. Our commitment to small group sizes allows us to truly customize the learning path for each participant; to offer one on one mentorship opportunities and to dive into areas of interest pertinent to those in attendance.
Note: This is the Paddle Canada equivalent of O.R.C.K.A. Canoe Tripping Level 3 and is the minimum certification required by Teachers (as mandated by O.P.H.E.A.) to be able to take their students on back-country canoe expeditions.
Pre-requisites: Candidates must have earned their Introduction to Canoe Tripping Certification or its industry equivalent, or have requisite experience as demonstrated by a proper log book and a reference willing to testify to your skills. Questions about your eligibility? Give us a call! You don’t have to be an industry professional to take this course by any means.
Click here to visit the full information page

Back-Country Navigation Level 1
A 2-Day, Certification Experience
This is an introductory program ideal for those who may be wild about the outdoors but haven’t ever engaged in any formal navigational training. This two day program focuses on the important essentials of map, compass and G.P.S. technologies and how to use each reliably in back-country environments. This experience is a perfect primer for Teachers, looking to secure these skills for safe expedition management or to add to their tool boxes of lesson plans that they can share with students. Being able to quickly and accurately relay positional coordinates to your school or emergency services is essential.
This program begins with the cornerstone skills of map and compass navigation and then adds G.P.S. as a value added third dimension. There are few places in the outdoor industry today where you can go and be mentored in this crucial knowledge. At Leaders of the Day we put a huge focus on the map and compass portion of our program and accordingly, the entire first day of our curriculum is dedicated to practicing those very hands-on skills out under the sky in the our wilderness classroom.
All navigational tools (topographical maps, compasses and G.P.S. units) are provided for your use during the course, so no previous experience or investments in expensive equipment are required. If you do have a favorite compass or your own hand-held G.P.S. unit, please feel free to bring it along. This is not one of those skills you want to feel rusty with. There are no “do-overs” when it comes to emergencies. Come equip yourself with confidence and get it right the first time – every time!
Click here to visit the full information page

Wilderness Skills and Survival Program
One and Two Day Program Formats are Available
Regardless of our cultural backgrounds, our Ancestors were all experts at the art of survival or we simply wouldn’t be here. This program provides rich opportunities for students to be mentored in some skills that are fast becoming forgotten art-forms and to foster a sense of confidence and self-reliance . This is a “crash course” in the essentials of not just surviving but thriving.
Earth-based skills such as: shelter building, knot tying, harvesting wild teas, tool making or traditional fire-lighting (with bow drills or flint and steel) are incredible skill sets to have when our expeditions take us to remote settings and “off the beaten track”, but are also incredibly engaging tools to share with your students. Knowing what to do and how to do it with limited resources is crucial in the event that extreme circumstances ever present themselves. Come be mentored in the arts of innovation and self-reliance with our experienced faculty of Wilderness Educators.
This program is currently available by group contract only but is also a component of our Guide Star Training Program.
Click here to contact us about our current pricing guide

Guide Star Training Program
4 Certifications in just 8 days – August 18-23
Hands down, Leaders of the Day is the best in the business when it comes to creating dynamic, expeditionary training programs for Teachers and Outdoor Educators. Our Guide Star Certification Program is conveniently-packaged with Teachers in mind. Our program allows you the opportunity to acquire 4 great certifications in just 8 days while out enjoying an unforgettable back-country adventure in the company of our expert wilderness trainers. Positioned at the end of the summer time, the scheduling allows Teachers to have their full holiday and then cap their summer off with a mind-blowing Professional Development adventure in the wilderness.
Teachers rave about how much great learning is infused into 8 days and how relevant the learning is to growing their skill sets for safe and mindful travel in the back-country. We cater to all levels of experience and maintain small class sizes for a hands-on, fine-tuned experience that helps each participant with what they need to learn or practice most. There are two levels of canoe certification available to be reviewed for (Introductory and Advanced) which allows even beginner paddlers the chance to secure lots of a great knowledge in a short period of time.
Guide Star Certifications
- Camping Leadership Certification – Paddle Canada
- Introduction to Lake Skills – Paddle Canada
- Back-country Navigation (Map, Compass and G.P.S.) – Leaders of the Day
- Wilderness Skills and Survival Training – Leaders of the Day
Click here to visit the full information page

Our Instructors
At Leaders of the Day, we hire talented Instructors with vast teaching experience and deep log books. They hold the highest industry standard certifications and are practiced guides, mentors and role-models. They are experts at living, teaching and traveling in the wilderness where we make our “classroom”. At Leaders of the Day, program quality, safety and positive educational outcomes are our chief focus.
Our Instructors continually upgrade their training in the latest instructional, and risk management practices. With over 2 decades of professional experience in the Experiential Education Industry, we have led, designed and developed programs and training experiences on 3 continents. Leaders of the Day designs programs for clients around the world and as far north as the Arctic Circle.
Click here to see some our great workshops for Educators and Outdoor Professionals