Standing Strong
Secrets of Longevity and Professional Self-care
When we as people forget to take good care of ourselves, our ability to give dynamically to others is greatly compromised. This program was designed in response to an overwhelming need across countless fields and industries for tools to navigate some of the most challenging aspects of our work lives.
How can we uniquely position ourselves to support others in their difficult journeys without becoming vicariously traumatized by their stories? During this program, participants will have the opportunity to explore techniques and strategies aimed at preventing early burn-out and for minimizing the very real dangers of secondary traumatic stress.
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a series of innovative activities, discussions and sharings, facilitated by a Educator with 25 years of experience working with some of the most challenged youth in our province.
This program explores tangible ways to assist in mobilizing the body’s inherent resources to maintain balance in the face of adversity or innately challenging environments. It focuses sharply on the generation of personal strategies that will assist participants to take good care of themselves as they seek to sustainably share their best gifts with all those they connect with.
The million dollar question often is: How do you work effectively with challenged students or clients who have emotionally “charged” or difficult Life Stories without being adversely impacted by those stories yourself? It isn’t about building walls around your heart, it is about a powerful shift in perspective and about learning how to “receive” people’s stories in new ways. Come let us show you how so you can continue “doing what you love as long as you like”
This workshop is ideal for Educators and Helpers of all kinds: Life Coaches, Therapists, Youth Workers, Adventure Practitioners, Counselors, Medical Staff, Addictions workers and First Responders. It is available as a Two-Day Retreat, a One-Day training session or in its abbreviated form as a 3 hour P.D. Day experience.
Click Here to check out our Trainer’s Bio
Click Here to access some of the workshop resources and hand-outs.