for Educators & Other Professionals
Contract and Custom Courses Are Available Upon Request

Standing Strong
Seeking Balance and Avoiding Burn-out
When we as people forget to take good care of ourselves, our ability to give dynamically to others is greatly compromised. This program was designed in response to an overwhelming need across countless fields and industries for tools to navigate some of the most challenging aspects of our work lives.
This program explores tangible ways to assist in mobilizing the body’s inherent resources to maintain balance in the face of adversity or innately challenging environments. It focuses tangibly on the generation of personal strategies that will assist participants in taking good care of themselves as they seek to sustainably share their best gifts with all those they connect with.
We very intentionally use games, captivating storytelling and innovative group activities that inspire groups to look at themselves and the world around them from new vantage points. Participants will acquire tangible new tools and strategies that will help them to more effectively manage stress and adversity.
The million dollar question often posed is: How do you work effectively with challenged students or clients who have emotionally “charged” or difficult Life Stories without being adversely impacted by those stories yourself? It isn’t about building walls around your heart, it is about a powerful shift in perspective and about learning how to “receive” people’s stories in new ways. Come let us show you how so you can continue “doing what you love as long as you like”
This workshop is ideal for Educators and Helpers of all kinds: Life Coaches, Therapists, Youth Workers, Adventure Practitioners, Counselors, Medical Staff, Addictions workers and First Responders. It is available as a Two-Day Retreat, a One-Day training session or in its abbreviated form as a 3 hour P.D. Day experience.
Click here to visit the full information page

Bold and Brave
Lessons for Navigating Uncertainty
If there is one constant in the world it is Change and the world is changing faster today than it ever has before. Most of us can probably say with great confidence that we have never had much formal training about how to manage change – it is just something we are expected to discover on our own
Uncertainty so often is a source of great anxiety and anxiety can erode our confidence, our happiness, the quality of our work and our peace of mind….if we let it.
The fact is that in our rapidly changing world, one of the single most valuable skills you can possess is the ability to navigate uncertainty. Sometimes Life requires us to be Bold and Brave and to sometimes act in the absence of the full information – to accept risks and take the road less traveled. Our desire as people to “play it safe” often results in long periods of “analysis paralysis”, missed opportunities, regret or chapters of Life that feel deeply unfulfilling.
This workshop is packed with world-class storytelling, playful, active learning, meaningful connection and transformative tools for participants to take away with them. Time and resources are precious, but come and spend them with us and you will be glad you did. Our company is leading the revolution to re-define the words “Professional Development”
Bold and Brave is available as a Two-Day Retreat or as a One-Day training session.
Click here to visit the full information page

The Art of Team Building
In essence, the Art of Team Building is about bringing people together. It is about helping people to realize that “we have far more things in common with each other than things that divide us”.
Truthfully speaking, it is both an art form and a science and there are definitely some very particular strategies and important “orders of operation” that typically help groups to become higher functioning Teams.
By understanding these strategies intimately as a Facilitator, you can begin to assemble a whole host of tools to help support people develop both as individuals and as a wider collective team or community.
The goal of this program is not simply to teach participants a series of really interesting new activities, but to help them learn about what is actually happening “under the hood” of group development so that they can become more competent and confident “conductors” of experiences and intentional “engineers” of their own workshops and programming.
Our very unique approach to teaching and training utilizes hands-on active learning, captivating storytelling and innovative activities that will help you to explore these very sought after professional skills “from the inside out”.
Our Trainers specialize in supporting groups to gracefully step beyond their comfort zones and to learn how to greet challenges as opportunities. We assist people in continually deepening their emotional intelligence as they find the courage to overcome obstacles and their own perceived limitations in a safe and supportive environment.
Our transformative approach equips people to establish a more comfortable practice of personal reflection and to celebrate all successes both big and small in a genuine way.
We are constantly told by our participants how unusual and refreshingly different our programs are and how they “set a whole new standard” when it comes to engaging professional development!
Click here to visit the full information page

Finding Your Fire
Excavating Your Unique Passions & Talents
What are the things that fuel you? Is the Fire inside of you still burning brightly or have your Life circumstances reduced that Fire to embers for the moment? The good news is that those embers can be fanned back to life. As people we have the opportunity daily to constantly “re-invent” ourselves.
This program has participants don their introspection goggles to very experientially explore the nature of their own inspiration and the very unique roots of their own talents and power as people. In this Age of busyness and instant…everything, we often neglect to preserve time for our own rejuvenation and re-calibration.
Through unique hands-on activities, “living, breathing metaphors” and captivating storytelling, this workshop goes about the business of re-kindling your Fire. This session is a Transformative Experience at its very finest! Come get “out of the box” as you stay at our incredible wilderness retreat. Adventure awaits!
This workshop is ideal for Educators and Professionals of all kinds, High School and University Students, Business Owners or anyone in the midst of a life transition. It is available as a One-Day Training, a Two-Day Retreat or in its abbreviated form as a 3 hour P.D. experience.
Click Here to contact our Design Team

Heroic Journeys
The Mapping of Our Personal Landscapes
Our Heroic Journeys workshop is about finding the courage to stand on the thresholds of our own perceived limitations and then choosing to step boldly forward into our own greater possibilities.
Drawing on the powerful work of legendary storyteller Joseph Campbell, this experience invites participants to imagine themselves as the heroes and heroines of their own stories.
Participate in incredible activities in the natural world that help to inspire powerful reflection and move you in the direction of your goals and dreams. Imagine your the ingredients of your future aspirations and then begin to chart a path to take you there. Join our Trainers as you examine the resources, allies and potential obstacles that are all part of the personal landscape on which your Dreams are nestled.
“We cannot change the past, but in every moment there lies an opportunity to change your future”
This workshop is ideal for anyone in search of new inspiration or those ready to re-invent the next chapter of Life. This workshop can be delivered as a One-Day Training experience, As a 2-Day Retreat or can be combined as part of one of our bold and exciting wilderness expeditions.
Click Here to contact our Design Team