Bold and Brave
Lessons for Navigating Uncertainty
If there is one constant in the world it is Change and the world is changing faster today than it ever has before. Most of us can probably say with great confidence that we have never had much formal training about how to manage change – it is just something we are expected to discover on our own.
But what if there was a way to practice that skill – to hone it and develop skillful approaches to “making friends with Uncertainty”? Would you want to learn? Of course you would! Who wouldn’t?
Uncertainty so often is a source of great anxiety and anxiety can erode our confidence, our happiness, the quality of our work and our peace of mind….if we let it.
The fact is that in our rapidly changing world, one of the single most valuable skills you can possess is the ability to navigate uncertainty. Sometimes Life requires us to be Bold and Brave and to sometimes act in the absence of the full information – to accept risks and take the road less traveled. Our desire as people to “play it safe” often results in long periods of “analysis paralysis”, missed opportunities, regret or chapters of Life that feel deeply unfulfilling.
Bold and Brave is a transformative workshop aimed at rocking your world and deeply “stirring the pot”. Through innovative original activities, participants will have the chance to engage with some powerful introspective tools that will begin to empower them as agents of change in their own lives, relationships and careers.
We make choices every day that either move us in the direction of our passions and dreams or away from them. Life is simply too short! Be Bolder and Braver and show up differently in your Life and at your work place.
This workshop is packed with world-class storytelling, playful, active learning, meaningful connection and transformative tools for participants to take away with them. Time and resources are precious, but come and spend them with us and you will be glad you did. Our company is leading the revolution to re-define the words “Professional Development”
Bold and Brave is available as a Two-Day Retreat or as a One-Day training session.
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