I was very sad to hear the news today that a Toronto student drowned while on a canoe trip in Algonquin Park being led by the Teachers at his school. It was reported that the student was swimming with his peers from the shores of their campsite at the time of his disappearance with 3 Life Guards present. This is…

Tragedy Sparks Call for Action
Trailhead Program – University of Guelph
Most people say that if you are going to tell a story that you should start at the beginning. However, in our line of work we spend a lot of time starting with the end in mind and then working our way backwards from there. So, as I sit to write a Blog about this year’s Trailhead Program partnership with…
Gwich’in Leaders of Tomorrow Program (NWT, Canada)
This summer, Leaders of the Day embarked on an incredible whitewater canoe adventure with a group of Gwich’in Youth who had been nominated by their communities as being the next generation’s possible future leaders. During this unforgettable 20 day journey on their Traditional Lands, our group paddled from the Yukon to the Northwest Territories on the Ogilvie and Peel Rivers, winding…
Re-Align Your Life Compass: High Octane, Transformative Experience
Hi everyone: It has been a while since my last article, but it is one of my resolutions this year to be posting here much more often, so stay tuned! In my family, the turning of the New Year is a time of reflection in which we devote some energy to thinking about the triumphs, challenges and events of the…