Remote Training Experiences
That Actually Engage and Inspire!
Rising to the Occasion: We got GREAT at this during the Pandemic!
When Covid-19 emerged in the spring of 2020, we realized something VERY important. Our entire business delivery model involved being in-person with our audiences and that all came to an abrupt and grinding halt.
We knew that in order to have our business survive that we were going to not only have to embrace the world of virtual training, but that we were going to have to find a compelling way to bring our own unique MAGIC to the mix.
We are Experiential Trainers first and foremost and like our namesake had to undergo a “Transformative Experience of our own! Out of abrupt necessity, we re-invented ourselves like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. We designed new activities that could inspire, engage, uplift and connect – all while we dreamed of the moment that we could finally return to Life in front of our audiences again.
However….as we emerged on the other side of that very challenging chapter of our Human History, we discovered that there was still a profoundly important place for all that we had created – Amazing tools for connecting teams that are separated by distance.
Now more than ever, it is essential to find ways to keep your Team feeling: happy, engaged, optimistic and connected. Organizations that take their eye off the ball, end up in an almost constant state of employee management and re-hiring.
Businesses rise or fall, based on how well, they support, manage and inspire their people. There are skills that can be learned to help your organization more confidently navigate this chapter of incredible change and opportunity and Leaders of the Day stands ready to assist you.
I have spent my career working in some of the most dynamic environments on the planet. I led humanitarian Teams during the war in Bosnia and trained others to deliver programs in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Because of my DEEP love for the natural world, I have spent the greater part of my career as a wilderness guide and educator and have operated incredible expeditions in the Arctic Circle.
I have been blessed to have worked, adventured and delivered trainings in places all over the world! At the HEART of all of that – are my understandings of how to lead in those dynamic circumstances. Those principles are the vital ingredients of our Halmark training programs.
Here at Leaders of the Day, we specialize in world-class, personal development experiences, wilderness expeditions and nature-based training retreats that for the most part all happen face to face. Now though, we are also proud to say that we operate kick ass Virtual Programs for Teams that are highly intentional, power-packed and most of all….FUN! Leadership never looked so great on the “little screen”.
Over the course of a very interesting career, I have had the chance to gather a very particular set of skills that seem greatly pertinent in the circumstances we now collectively find ourselves facing.
We have designed a series of powerful workshops specifically for a virtual medium. Individuals, Teams and Business of all kinds will find enormous value in these offerings as they seek to bravely navigate a new way forward. Let us help support you in your journey to reconnect, re-imagine and re-invent. The future can be bright!
Our Virtual Workshop Series has been getting incredible reviews and delivers impactful content in a playful and highly interactive format – definitely not “par for the course” in the world of online training!
“Thank you for the amazing training experience Tony! I have taken part in a LOT of online trainings and meetings this year and what you designed for us was truly unexpected. You created an atmosphere where people could converse, interact and share authentically and sometimes it felt like we were actually together. Real magic! Thank you!”
– Tracey, Fall Workshop Participant

Bold and Brave
Making Friends with Uncertainty
In this unprecedented time of adversity and challenge, there are deep opportunities for us to demonstrate leadership and to inspire others to find the best of themselves. Change is imposing itself like never before, which can both create stress but also adjacent spaces for innovations to emerge.
Uncertainty so often is a source of great anxiety and anxiety can erode our confidence, our happiness, the quality of our work and our peace of mind….if we let it.
The fact is that in our rapidly changing world, one of the single most valuable skills you can possess is the ability to navigate uncertainty. Sometimes Life requires us to be Bold and Brave and to sometimes act in the absence of the full information – to accept risks and take the road less traveled.
Our desire as people to “play it safe” often results in long periods of “analysis paralysis”, missed opportunities, regret or chapters of Life that feel deeply unfulfilling.
This workshop is packed with world-class storytelling, playful, active learning, meaningful connection and transformative tools for participants to take away with them. Time and resources are precious, but come and spend them with us and you will be glad you did. Our company is leading the revolution to re-define the words “Professional Development”
Bold and Brave is traditionally offered as a Two-Day Retreat or as a One-Day training session. Now for your convenience during the crisis, we will be offering it as a 3 hour on-line training experience.
Employers: You can contract a custom course for a staff team of up to 50 people to participate on our Zoom training platform. Help your Team to better manage Uncertainty!
Click Here to check out our Trainer’s Bio
Click here to contact our Program Department

Balance Point
Self-care Strategies for these Challenging Times
Change and Chaos can take a toll on us both personally and professionally. In these unusual times as we all struggle to find the way forward, it is essential to very strategically take good care of ourselves and our Teams if we are to be successful on the longer term.
Some of us are working from home, isolated from our Teams and our usual support systems. Some of us are juggling the needs of family and livelihood, while contending with the considerable stress generated by uncertainty and the need to manage our own day to day logistics.
Some continue to work on the front-line in essential services, keeping our communities supplied, supported and “in motion” while contending with the stress and emotions of others. It is a challenging time that demands much from us.
In times of great uncertainty, there is much that we cannot control. Being “tactical” and disciplined about our own self-care is essential to the well-being of the network of relationships to which we are all connected.
This program provides proven tools, strategies and approaches to help individuals and Teams more confidently “keep their balance” amidst the compelling storm that is currently raging in the world outside. Our Trainer has lived and worked in some of the most dynamic and changeable environments on the planet. Come fill your tool box and find your calm in the centre of the storm.
Balance Point is traditionally offered as a Two-Day Retreat or as a One-Day training session. Now for your convenience during the crisis, we will be offering it as a 3 hour on-line training experience. A version of this program called “Standing Strong” was modified to support Educators working in fly in First Nations communities in the far North. Ask us about our many adaptations.
Employers: You can contract a custom course for a staff team of up to 50 people to participate on our Zoom training platform. Help your Team keep their Balance.
Click Here to check out our Trainer’s Bio
Click here to contact our Program Department

Hacking Your Innovation Mindset
How do we prepare people now for such a rapidly changing world and marketplace?
We must awaken their imaginations; foster creative thinking and instill healthy attitudes towards challenge and adversity.
We must cultivate creativity and resourcefulness to avoid becoming paralyzed by the apparent obstacles and help our Teams to find their vision, and their voices.
We must celebrate their successes but also help them to deal constructively with setbacks and failure so they can brush themselves off and continue to “try, try again”. If there is one constant in this world…..it is most certainly Change.
When this crisis finally passes, we will all emerge from our places of personal and professional isolation, but the world will not be quite the same as we left it. Beginning this new chapter will require us to dissolve our conditioned thinking and demand that we be both innovative and resourceful as we bravely plot new courses for ourselves, our businesses and our world.
This is the moment to invest time in your people. There are powerful invitations right now for people to stagnate, dissolve into pessimism or to lose focus. Take leadership and be the lighthouse for your company or Team. Timing is everything.
Hacking Your Innovation Mindset is traditionally offered as a Two-Day experiential Retreat or as a One-Day training session. Now for your convenience during the crisis, we will be offering it as a 3 hour on-line training experience. Let us help your business powerfully pivot in this time of great adaptation.
Employers: You can contract a custom course for a staff team of up to 50 people to participate on our Zoom training platform. Let us help your Team emerge from this shining!
Click Here to check out our Trainer’s Bio
Click Here to contact our Program Department

Don’t See What You Are Looking For?
Not to worry! Other online workshops with custom themes are available upon request.
Click Here to contact our Design Team