Certifying Outdoor Educators at Leaders of the Day
Do you have a passion for teaching, but can’t face the idea of standing in a traditional classroom? Do you dream of deepening your own experience daily while supporting learners to step boldly past their fears and perceived limitations?
The Outdoor Educator Certification Program experience strikes a powerful balance between mentoring high-level, technical skills and teaching the foundational finesse skills of program facilitation. Both are essential to develop as a complete Educator. During this program our students have the incredible opportunity to: gain four Outdoor Professional certifications; paddle a legendary river; complete a wilderness solo experience in the far North; ride the Polar Bear Express; get one-on-one mentorship from talented Instructors and industry experts and begin to uncover your unique talents as an Educator. We call it the “one-stop-shop” for training experience, professional development, and industry-standard certifications. The compact nature of the program ensures a “fat-free” experience that cuts straight to the heart of what’s important and necessary to be advancing within the field of Outdoor & Experiential Education.
Did we mention that you can earn a letter of reference during your program? Those who demonstrate particular excellence with their skills may even be eligible for summer Instructional work in the weeks directly following their graduation with one of our partner organizations or with Leaders of the Day. At Leaders of the Day, we help Leaders get a head start!
Our Institute Directors Tony Cox and Jonathan Carroll both bring a wealth of experience and over 30 years combined professional experience in the Outdoor Industry. They have led, designed and developed programs on 3 continents and are dedicated to infusing the OECP with their knowledge and experience.
Be sure you check out the full Program Description and register today. Class size is limited to 10 students per season. Good luck to all applicants!
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